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Victoria Goody |

The EquiGroomer was sent to us to try out after having rave reviews on Facebook.  So we thought we would give it a go before adding it to our website and also because we had some ideal candidates to try it on!
We found a suitable pony that needed a real good groom and off we went.  Firstly Archie absolutely loved the feeling of being massaged and scratched and secondly the dirt, grease and hair just fell away so quickly leaving him clean, smooth and with a great summer coat again!

We then moved on to our very hairy black labrador, who constantly is shedding hair all year round and doesn't actually like being groomed either.  Normally as soon as I approach with comb and brush in hand he disappears.  So I put the Equigroomer in my pocked and went up to him to give him a big hug and then set about grooming.  
Well after three strokes of the Equigroomer, he was laying down and rolling over for more.  Not only did I groom him totally in one session, but I have never seen so much hair come out so easily.  Again, like the pony, he was left with a really lovely smooth short coat and he absolutely enjoyed it too!
These are available in a rainbow of colours and in two sizes - small (12 cm width) for dogs, cats, rabbits and the smaller animals and large (24cm width) for horses and ponies, cattle, donkeys, goats.  
If you are looking for a really effective shedding tool that your hairy animal will enjoy too, then I can thoroughly recommend.  We have attached video of them being used on Archie and Winston.